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“Holidays when I was a child always meant the same thing – camping. We put our tent up everywhere, all around Sweden, Norway and Denmark, and I loved it. Eventually it created a need in me that I constantly carry with me: I must spend time outside, every day.”

“It doesn’t have to be a grand experience. I really love mountain hiking, but most of the time I’ll go with whatever nature that’s close at hand. The forests of Mälardalen where I live is perfectly fine for everyday adventures. This summer I will be hiking on different islands in the Stockholm archipelago. It’s amazing the way nature forces you to be in the here and now. How all your senses get filled up with impressions, genuine and real. How you become present, fully and completely. So put your phone away, close your computer and step outside. Nature will take care of the rest.”



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About Holebrook Sweden

Holebrook is a Swedish brand with a focus on knitted clothing. We were born on the Swedish west coast and our first collection was knitted sweaters with a windproof elastic lining. Today, more than twenty years later, they are still part of our collection. Sustainability is part of our DNA, it’s reflected in our business model and in our brand strategy. Our down-to-earth approach to sustainability is based on wool, cotton, mohair and alpaca. Natural materials that do not need to be washed as often, which prolongs the life of the garments and reduces their impact on the environment. Our clothes are timeless and made for the seasons, not the trends. All our clothes are made in Europe by suppliers who share our strive and commitment to quality and sustainability.